My list of no-no’s as a professional organizer

home organization houston

As a professional organizer, I have a list of definite no-no’s that you won’t find in my home or see me use with my clients.

✅ Don’t take things for free that you don’t need. Keep your space clear and your mind clearer!

✅ Don’t buy things just because they’re cheap or on sale. Invest in what you really need.

✅ Don’t overstock items if you don’t have room for them. More isn’t always better.

✅ Don’t put things down; put them away. Every item should have a home.

✅ Don’t store items all over the house; keep like items together for better harmony.

✅ Don’t try to do all of the work; ask your family member to help too.

✅ Don’t shove items into a space. If it doesn’t fit, find it a proper place or let it go.

✅ Don’t crowd the floor with too many items. A clear floor means a clear path.

✅ Don’t forget to declutter on occasion to eliminate things you don’t need anymore.

✅ Don’t forget to add labels to bins.

✅ Don’t keep things because you feel guilty. Keep only what serves you and your space.

✅ Don’t think that a bigger home will always solve your challenges.

✅ Don’t get too far behind; it’s hard to catch up and easy to feel overwhelmed.

✅ Don’t ignore the power of a cleaning and organizing routine. Keeping a schedule helps maintain order effortlessly.

✅ Don’t assume small storage areas can’t be effectively utilized. With the right organization, even the tiniest spaces can be maximized.

✅ Don’t succumb to impulse buys at the dollar store.

✅ Don’t use mismatched or wrong-sized containers for storage.

✅ Don’t stockpile excessive extras of any item.

✅ Don’t neglect to check expirations on perishables.

✅ Don’t display everything you own.

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Beth Venable

As a busy mom and wife, I understand the chaos that goes with everyday life which is why it’s so important to have organization in your home.

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